After today, it just keeps going. We've got a trip out of state. Thanksgiving. Family hoopla. Meeting awesome writer friends. Etc, etc, etc.
I suspect I won't be around this week as much as usual. But I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!
And to close, in honor of my anniversary, a little Far Side for you.

HA! I love the farside! Happy anniversary. I think I had a three year itch, but since then... smooth sailing (or maybe I just learned that an argument isn't the end of the world). Have a fantastic holiday!
Can't wait to see yous guys!! :)
The Farside is the BEST!!! Hope you have a great anniversary and vacation!
Oh man, I've always loved that farside, I used to have a shirt of it! LOL! Good luck! And enjoy--
oh yeah, and happy anniversary!
Awesome cartoon, we used to have a whole book of farside cartoons growing up. Happy Anniversary.
Hehe, Farside is awesome!
If you come by Ohio, be sure to wave :)
LOL I was going to make some comment about how excited I was to see you Friday, but that Far Side made me laugh so hard that I can't remember anything else I was going to say. Funny stuff.
I love Farside. Have a fun trip. Eat lots of turkey. Happy seven years.
Candice-I had to learn the same thing. :) I actually think most have to, sooner or later.
Becca-Me either!!
Natalie-It IS the best. Very few comics have the ability to consistently make me laugh out loud.
Jenni-hehe, that would be an awesome shirt. :)
Patti-We own two Farside books! They are some of our prized possessions. ;)
Sara-Well, we're going in the opposite direction of Ohio, but we do mean to go back there one of these days and visit our grad school buddies.
Kasie-hehe, Farside has that effect on people. :)
Jessie-Thanks! You too! :)
Happy Anniversary!
The farside is awesome - HA. Have a wonderful anniversary.
Happy Anniversary, and happy Thanksgiving!
That is so funny!! Congratulations on your anniversary. Have to say, there are days when Mrs. Kent and I, well, we would have been buds.
Happy anniversary! & hope you have/had a safe & fun Thanksgiving!
PS: Love the Far Side! haven't read or thought about those comics for ages. Thanks for this one!
Hope you have a great anniversary and vacation!
Work from home India
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