Thursday, August 5, 2010

Someone make this movie!

In other news, I'm heading out of town for a while so I won't be blogging or tweeting much. (Right now you're thinking, "Uh, yeah? What else is new?) We'll return to our regularly scheduled lack of blogging when I get back. ;)


Miriam Forster said...


*falls over laughing*

I love how the raptor and Edward have the same expression.

Dancing with Dragons is Hard on your Shoes

Candice said...

Have fun! I will miss your blogging absence in your absence.

Liam said...

I knew Bella was cheating on Edward; i just thought it was with Jacob. But post-Breaking Dawn, Edward gets boring (well, more boring, if possible) and there's a new family in town.

The raptors are mean like they should be, but Bella can't stay away. The way his tail swishes...

She just has to convince Nessie not to tell Daddy.

Jessie Oliveros said...

I think Edward could take the raptor DOWN...for the record. Have fun on your trip! (First trip with the baby? I'm ON my first big trip with the baby. She sleeps much better at home.)

Kasie West said...

Okay, that's hilarious. :) Love it. And have fun on your trip.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture! Who says Twilight can't be entertaining ;)?

Have fun on your trip!

And just to let you know, I have an award waiting for you here when you get back!

Natalie said...

LOL. I hope you are having a great vacation.